Home Desserts Lemon Mint

Lemon Mint

by Nazreen Ebthisam
Lemon Mint Drink

Lemon Mint Drink | Refreshing Lemon Mint Juice Recipe | Homemade Mint lemonade

Mint Lemonade is lemonade flavored with mint. It may be made with whole mint leaves, mint-flavored syrup, or pureed mint leaves, and may be served over ice cubes or blended with ice into a slush or smoothie. It is sometimes called a virgin mojito. It is a super delicious juice during the hot summer days. It refreshes and makes the body cool.

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Lemon Mint Drink

Lemon Mint

Rating: 5.0/5
( 1 voted )
Serves: 1 Prep Time: Cooking Time:


  • Lemon Juice - 1 lemon
  • Mint - 1/4 cup
  • Sugar - as needed
  • Ginger - small piece
  • Green Chilly - 1 (Optional)
  • Water - 2 cups


  1. To a blender, add lemon juice, ginger, green chilly, mint and blend to a coarse texture. Add sugar and blend.
  2. Add water and blend well. Lemon Mint is ready.